

Absolute Framework

A blueprint for administrative apps

  • developer
  • designer
2023 – 2024

My biggest project within Absolute, an Italian company with great developers and a staggering output. An online training courses provider, EPTA, asked us to completely remake their platform.

Absolute seized the opportunity to build a new framework to be reused across similar projects. In fact, we used it right away for the following projects: TripsAround, a travel itinerary maker, and Astrolute, an online astrology platform.

My role

My role consisted in designing the apps themselves and laying out the foundations of the framework. The goal for the framework was improving DX and productivity when building UIs and handle recurring operations. This meant building, among other things:

Developing these meant ending up with a nice set of re-usable hooks, tools and helpers, as well.

Design & features


EPTA serves one of the largest supermarket chains in Italy, Coop. They needed an admin panel to manage all building blocks of their training platform and the relationships between them. We made a fully cloud-native app running on AWS.

I did’t take risks and went for a clean and functional look, as EPTA employees spend a lot of their time inside these views. We included actions and quick filters for their most commonly used functions.

Search view for the 'tracking' entity. A table lists user progress through course modules

Search view. I de-emphasised secondary information, highlighting in turn the defining columns for each entity. You can filter granularly using some Stripe-inspired filters, or quick filter – for example – by users that have yet to start their course.

Detail view the 'user id' entity, containing the form to edit its data. The right column has some comments.

Detail view. First column holds identifying info and owner entities. In the center, the main form and owned entities. On the side, the comments section.

Detail view the 'user id' entity with some form errors. The right column now lists those errors on the same line.

These complex forms have a good chance of erroring back upon submission. That’s why the right column doubles as error space, and some errors are inlined. This keeps content reflow to a minimum, which could be irritating or even nauseating for employees submitting lots and lots of forms each day.


TripsAround is a travel itinerary maker. It also adds location-based, AI-powered suggestions for places and activities. The app live-previews edits within an <iframe> on the client, and then, when publishing, server-side renders the itinerary and stores it on a CDN.

I wanted to do something different with TripsAround’s visual identity, so I went for a Duolingo-inspired, 3D bezel look. This forced me to keep all other borders to a minimum.

Itinerary editor. From top to bottom: trip title, attributes (such as id), 'Documents' and 'Contacts' sections. The preview panel is open on the right, showing the cover image and title of the trip on an iPhone. You can change the model or type a specific display size for the preview, as well as set a position for the location-based suggestions.

The top of the editor, with the live preview open. As most of these trips will have very similar titles, unique attributes like id, start date and clients are in the header to distinguish it from other itineraries.

'Accommodation manager' section in the itinerary editor. Accommodations span horizontally over a calendar as resizable blocks, corresponding to the length of the stay. Below this calendar, there is a form to edit the accommodation, the rooms or attach documents (like a reservation). On the right, the preview shows the corresponding check-in section on an iPhone.

Accommodation manager, with resizable blocks to select the stay or edit its number of nights.

'Trip manager' section. On the left, a sortable list of activities, grouped by day. They include activies ('Vatican tour'), check-in/check-outs, transfers or 'Near you' – AI suggestions. On the right, a form to edit the selected entry, attach documents or open the preview on that section.
Trip manager – a classic main/detail view.
Itineray top page. From top to bottom: cover image, title, quick links and the first day's activity. Quick links include: 'Overview for table of contents, 'Vouchers', 'Near you' and 'Contacts' to show contact people's information and useful numbers.Itinerary first activity. Welcomes user to destination, and highlights name and licence plate of the drivers that will pick them up.Itinerary check-in. Contains pictures and description for the hotel, quick actions to open the reservation or call the lobby. It also lists the room you booked under a `detail`/`summary`.Itinerary activity. Clearly displays the start time and duration, as well as the location meeting point under the title for the activity.'Near you' map. Displays locations of interest near the user on a map. A list of the locations with more info peeks from below.'Near you' activity selected. The selected activity is in the center of the map. The description and distance of the activity is listed below.

Itinerary mobile views. Important information – such as the driver’s licence plate or phone number – is easy to find in the dedicate sections, or clearly highlighted within the itinerary. This way, users can easily find it even on the go or under a strong sun.


Obvious disclaimers about astrology aside, I had lots of fun porting this old-time success of Absolute (think software on CDs) to the web. Yes, they even make this kind of software.

The visual identity aims to evocate constellations and the imaginary lines that connect them. Brightness is the principal mean to show active elements or de-emphasise inactive ones (within the limits of basic accessibility).

Birth horoscope. On the left, filters for planets, signs, aspects, and astrological houses, as well as a birth chart. The chart is densely packed with aspect lines connecting planets. On the right, a list of interpretations and a ribbon to filter them.

Birth horoscope view. Hovering over an interpretation shows its corresponding line on the birth chart. In fact, while researching, I found birth charts to be too crowded. The “base planets” filter is active by default and serves as a small, self-explanatory demo on filters.

Two cards listing a person's sign, ascendant and birth information. Below, the types of horoscopes you can explore: birth, daily, couple and karma horoscopes.

People cards. I clearly listed and labelled all the different app functionalities.

A set of detailed buttons, navigation links, and form inputs

In the ocean of minimalist apps out there, it was nice to experiment with decorated buttons and inputs.

Two rows of vector icons representing different topics, such as 'character', 'intellect', or 'fortune'. When active (first row) they are bright and contain shining dots.

The custom-made icons for the topic filters. They each have a different configuration of dots (stars) inside their paths.

Cards for the planetary functions: ephemeris, revolutions, and astrological rhythms, a made-up concept linking a topic (say, friendship) and how well one will 'perform' in relation to it over time.
Cards for the different planetary functions.

Routes and data

Routes are where UI (components, layouts) and logic (hooks) meet, and they should represent gateways to “slices” of business logic.

Routing and data loading follow Remix’s approach, which in turn owes much to web fundamentals. I fully embraced Remix’s <Outlet /> pattern to keep things DRY.

Accessible demo in progress. Selecting a path, such as (all) `artists` or its subdirectory `artistId` highlights the corresponding piece of UI. Just like the path hierarchy, these pieces of UI are contained with each-other. 'Artists' contains the current selected artist, and so on.
Export all
Search 115 artists
Ali Farka Toure
Anderson .Paak
Antônio Carlos Jobim
Aphex Twin
Baro Drom Orkestar
Anderson .Paak
3 records
201814 songs
201616 songs
201216 songs
16 songs
Hip hop

Initial data loading happens in react-router-dom’s loader functions, where TanStack Query – probably the best data fetching library in the React ecosystem – fetches the data.

This way, business logic hooks have their data pre-fetched. Developers don’t need to litter code with flags and conditionals, and users will see the UI only when it’s ready. As a bonus, productivity increases when you don’t need to make every piece of dynamic UI twice – the real UI and the loading skeleton.

In my experience, it takes ages to make a “good” loading skeleton, and yet it’s impossible to avoid reflow when the real thing kicks in. Every time I misclick because of this kind of waterfall, I can’t help but get annoyed – I don’t want my users to experience this.

Routes and layouts

I strive to delegate layout concerns to layout components, while building other components in isolation.

For app shell layout components, I also make use of React portals in order to render to different parts the DOM. Let’s revisit the previous example for a moment. The client now wants the “save” button to be in a different part of the DOM from the one your route outputs to. Through, say, a portal-powered <ButtonSlot />, you can have both your form and the button within the route, without the need to lift up state.

Accessible demo in progress. The same UI of the previous demo, but this time the "save" button for the album, previously within the "album" UI section, is in the "All artists" section.
Export all
Search 115 artists
Ali Farka Toure
Anderson .Paak
Antônio Carlos Jobim
Aphex Twin
Baro Drom Orkestar
Anderson .Paak
3 records
201814 songs
201616 songs
201216 songs
16 songs
Hip hop

This way, routes outline logic structure, not UI structure. Route code is collocated, making it clear for the developer what the route does and depends on.

Extensible, composite components

Components are built upon lower-level, headless UI libraries, which also take care of basic accessibility.

The first step is preparing higher-level components – still unstyled. I store them in the core framework library along with basic hooks, utils and helpers.

import * as BaseInput from '@lib/components/input'

export function App() {
    return (
            <Base.Field />
            <Base.ClearButton />

import React from 'react'
import { callAll, isFunction, isDefined } from '../utils'

const InputContext = React.createContext()
InputContext.displayName = 'InputContext'
export const useInput = () => React.useContext(InputContext)

export const Root = React.forwardRef((props, inputRef) => {
    const {
        value: controlledValue,
        onChange: providedOnChange,
        onClear: providedOnClear,
    } = props
    const [_value, setValue] = React.useState(initialValue)
    const isControlled = isDefined(controlledValue)

    const value = isControlled ? controlledValue : _value

    const inputId = React.useId()
    const helperId = React.useId()
    const errorMessageId = React.useId()
    const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = React.useState(false)

    const onChange = React.useCallback(
        (event) => {
            if (isControlled) return
            const { value } =

    const onClear = React.useCallback(() => {
        if (isControlled) return
    }, [isControlled])

    const inputProps = {
        onChange: callAll(onChange, providedOnChange),
        id: inputId,
        'aria-describedby': helperId,
        'aria-errormessage': errorMessageId,,

    return (
                onClear: callAll(onClear, providedOnClear),

export const Label = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const { children, htmlFor: providedHtmlFor, } = props
    const { inputId } = useInput()
    const htmlFor = providedHtmlFor || inputId
    return (
        <label ref={ref} htmlFor={htmlFor} {}>

export function Field(props) {
    const { className } = props
    const { inputProps, inputRef, showPassword } = useInput()
    const { type, autoComplete, } = inputProps

    const innerRef = React.useRef(null)
    React.useImperativeHandle(inputRef, () => innerRef.current)

    const _type = showPassword ? 'text' : type
    const _autoComplete = type === 'password' ? 'off' : autoComplete

    // Set `type` to `"password"` programmatically when submitting
    React.useEffect(() => {
        if (type !== 'password') return
        const input = innerRef.current
        const form = input?.form
        if (!input || !form) return
        const onSubmit = () => input.setAttribute('type', 'password')
        form.addEventListener('submit', onSubmit)
        return () => {
            form.removeEventListener('submit', onSubmit)
    }, [type])

    return (

export const ShowPasswordButton = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const { onClick: providedOnClick, children, } = props
    const { inputId, showPassword, setShowPassword } = useInput()

    const onClick = React.useCallback(() => {
        setShowPassword((p) => !p)
    }, [setShowPassword])

    return (
            onClick={callAll(providedOnClick, onClick)}
            {isFunction(children) && children(showPassword)}
            {!isFunction(children) && children}

export const ClearButton = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const { onClick: providedOnClick, } = props
    const { onClear } = useInput()

    return (
            onClick={callAll(providedOnClick, onClear)}

export const Helper = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const { as = 'p', id: providedId, children, } = props
    const context = useInput()
    const id = providedId || context.helperId

    return React.createElement(

export const ErrorMessage = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const { as = 'p', id: providedId, } = props
    const context = useInput()
    const id = providedId || context.errorMessageId

    return React.createElement(as, {

Root.displayName = 'Root'
Label.displayName = 'Label'
Helper.displayName = 'Helper'
ShowPasswordButton.displayName = 'ShowPasswordButton'
ClearButton.displayName = 'ClearButton'
ErrorMessage.displayName = 'ErrorMessage'

Consumers lay out and freely swap, customise or extend their parts via composition. They can also interpose other components, as UI logic is shared internally through Context. This way, components are highly customisable while avoiding prop proliferation.

Next, I built their styled counterparts, varying on a project basis.

import * as AstroluteInput from '@components/input'

export function App() {
    return (
            <AstroluteInput.Field />
            <AstroluteInput.ClearButton />

import React from 'react'
import * as BaseInput from './base-input'
import Heroicon from '../../heroicon'
import { StarLine } from './star-line/star-line'

export const Root = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const { children, } = props

    return (
        <BaseInput.Root ref={ref} {}>
            <div className="relative isolate flex items-center rounded-b-[px] rounded-t-md bg-slate-950 text-base">
                <StarLine className="absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 w-full" />
Root.displayName = 'Root'

export function Label(props) {
    const { children, } = props

    return (
        <BaseInput.Label className="px-3 py-2 text-slate-400" {}>

export function Field(props) {
    return (
            className="ml-auto w-0 flex-grow border-none bg-transparent px-3 py-2 text-right text-white placeholder:bg-slate-500 placeholder:bg-transparent placeholder:text-slate-500"

export function ClearButton(props) {
    return (
            className="px-3 py-2.5 text-slate-100"
            <Heroicon id="mini/x-mark" />
            <span className="sr-only">Clear contents</span>

export function SimpleInput(props) {
    const { label, clearButton = false, } = props
    return (
        <Root {}>
            {label && <Label>Birthday</Label>}
            <Field />
            {clearButton && <ClearButton />}

Often-used components may also have a “just-get-it-done” export, with minimal API surface.

import { SimpleInput } from '@components/input.jsx'

export function App() {
    return (

import React from 'react'
import * as BaseInput from './base-input'
import Heroicon from '../../heroicon'
import { StarLine } from './star-line/star-line'

export const Root = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const { children, } = props

    return (
        <BaseInput.Root ref={ref} {}>
            <div className="relative isolate flex items-center rounded-b-[px] rounded-t-md bg-slate-950 text-base">
                <StarLine className="absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 w-full" />
Root.displayName = 'Root'

export function Label(props) {
    const { children, } = props

    return (
        <BaseInput.Label className="px-3 py-2 text-slate-400" {}>

export function Field(props) {
    return (
            className="ml-auto w-0 flex-grow border-none bg-transparent px-3 py-2 text-right text-white placeholder:bg-slate-500 placeholder:bg-transparent placeholder:text-slate-500"

export function ClearButton(props) {
    return (
            className="px-3 py-2.5 text-slate-100"
            <Heroicon id="mini/x-mark" />
            <span className="sr-only">Clear contents</span>

export function SimpleInput(props) {
    const { label, clearButton = false, } = props
    return (
        <Root {}>
            {label && <Label>Birthday</Label>}
            <Field />
            {clearButton && <ClearButton />}

Hurdles and take-aways

While developing the abstraction for CRUD operations, I initially mistook the requirement to “make the developer do as little as possible”. My abstractions were too rigid, and showed their limits quite quickly.

On the other hand, when designing abstractions to be used in multiple ways, I provided too many. I was not building a library, and made my life difficult for no good reason.

If you strive to write small and – whenever possible – pure, simple functions, you’ll almost surely end up with a neat and easy-to-maintain codebase.

I learned that building a framework is easy. However, building something useful, flexible and easy to understand is hard – it requires practice and real-world use.

Another pain point was being the only designer in the company. Given the scope of the work, I felt overstretched between two fundamental aspects of our industry – design and engineering.

As a minor hurdle, I began to build tooling around esbuild from scratch. While I learned a lot by doing so, in hindsight it was just not worth it. After a while, I switched to Vite and never looked back.

These hurdles compounded when changes had to be relayed across multiple projects, all while colleagues were already using the framework to build UIs.

Still, I’m thankful to the leaders at Absolute for giving me so much trust. I’ve been fortunate to test my work against open-minded and experienced colleagues.