


Student social network focused on employment and non-discrimination

  • co-founder
  • developer
  • designer
2018 – 2021

What it is and why I built it

Think of it as a LinkedIn for students, but with the goal to solve two big problems of the job market:

We conceived it as a digital campus where students, educational institutions (universities, HEIs) and employers all hang out. Starting my career with a stake in an ambitious startup that aimed to do good was everything I could have hoped for at the time. I joined as co-founder, first developer, and only designer.

Top page of a student group, showing the institution name, the year (if it's cohort-based) and who of your friends already joined. It also contains secondary navigation. There are controls to join/leave the group and mute notifications.An event post in the student group for an 'End of the year' party. It shows where
and when it will take place, which of your friends will attend, and has a call-to-action
to say if you will, too.A user profile header with a small bio, most recent study title and job
position. It contains secondary navigation for 'profile' (education, skills,
ect.), 'connections' and 'timeline'.The top of a job card. It contains the main info for the vacancy, like
its location, type of contract and salary range. It also contains a brief description of the position and
responsibilitiesA scrolled job card, listing the work experience and skills requirements,
as well as the 'nice-to-have' skills. A 'why did I match?. tooltip would tell you
more about the matching algorithmA pop-up showing the skill type (skill or knowledge)
and description for the tapped skill

We conceived the social modules of Nxus as a better-feeling Facebook alternative, which is widely used by cohorts to make announcements and share material. Students also browse job offers à la Tinder. Tapping on a skill shows its type, description and possible alternative labels thanks to the ESCO database

Skills mismatch

For students, Nxus is a community and job search tool. For employers, it’s a job board and a candidate scheduling tool. This generates feedback data about which candidates with which skills landed the job. Finally, universities use it to keep in touch with alumni, while faculty managers tokenise learning outcomes for their courses.

This allows for measuring the skills mismatch in real-time. This information is accessibile to universities, that can update their curriculum accordingly. As students completed their study program cycle, we could use that data to inform the next generation of students. This ingenious, closed-loop idea came from Niels Baay, co-founder and CEO.

My first task

My mission was to design and code the frontend of the MVP from scratch. The equipment, my laptop and some nice technical docs put together by a senior software engineer. I read up on books about UI (thank you, “Refactoring UI”!) and code structure, and dove in.

Desktop user profile. On the left, the bio and the most recent study title and job position. In the centre, secondary navigation and user content. On the right, an aside with a job offer.

The user profile on desktop, which I designed as hybrid between Github and Facebook. I reserved the typical space on the side for ads and secondary information.

With little design experience, I look at websites I loved, mixing and matching. While the outline was that of an employment-focused social network, like Linkedin, the visual identity owed much to websites like Github, Twitter and Quora. Being short on time (I was finishing my bachelor’s at the time) I coded directly, using a set of color, spacing, type and shadow design tokens.

Employer candidate manager. On the left, a list candidates in various stages of the recruitment funnel. On the right, the selected student profile with their curriculum. There's also a side panel for recruiter comments.

The recruiter admin panel for candidates. Since they haven’t yet scheduled an interview with this candidate, they can’t see the real name or profile picture. They can also access their student profile, where all the personal information has been obscured.

The application became multi-tenant as we onboarded clients and created test environments. CSS custom props came in handy for theming.

Groups desktop view. On the left, group navigation, grouped by university. In the center, group (or, if unselected, all groups) content. On the right, more info and ad space.

By default, you belong to up to four groups per institution: university (or school), faculty, program and cohort. In this test environment, I used my own university and the exchange university I was attending at the time as sample models.

Recruitment and non-discrimination

Niels came up with anonymising candidates until they get an interview. The idea was to allow women and people of color to get a foot in the door – without having their application discarded (or selected) for the wrong reasons.

Anonymous candidate header, aliased as 'Large Pink Moon' plus their initials. Their avatar has a pink moon illustrationCandidate header after an interview date. Their true identity is now revealed, but their previous alias is still visible

The candidate ID info and how they change before and after the recruiter scheduled an interview date

I chimed in with some design thinking. Since it was very difficult for employers to navigate anonymous profiles, I came up with the idea of aliasing them with celestial bodies. Commenting on candidates changed from a “nice-to-have” feature into the core management system.

After some trial (and mostly error) with generative design, I hand made 10 different celestial bodies.

CometRinged planetStarStar clusterPulsarGalaxyQuasarMoonAsteroidMeteorNebula

Each of them came in 3 sizes each.

Small starMedium starLarge star
Small galaxyMedium galaxyLarge galaxy
Small asteroidMedium asteroidLarge asteroid

Planets also had “ringed” variations. Together with the fantastic Tailwind palettes, this gave us more than 600 fun and memorable aliases for employers to sift through. Initials were also there to further disambiguate and provide distinction for color-blind people. Plus, it makes candidates look even more like a celestial discovery.

A dense grid of the celestial bodies in different colors and sizes, showing a preview of the variety you can get by making a matrix of a few properties

Tech stack

It’s an MVC web app built on Laravel. I used jQuery for interactive parts and some React for complex widgets. I used SMACSS to organise CSS. While I didn’t use Tailwind, I borrowed a lot from it when tokenising color, typography, spacing and shadow presets into CSS custom props.

Technical hurdles and take-aways

The biggest issue I faced was the classic startup feature proliferation. Lots of things getting done, undone and re-done, while the code gets messier and messier. This taught me two lessons, programming-wise, and made me realise a passion that still inspires me.

The first is iterating quickly and abstracting later, as the need for it arises.

The second is an aspect of this job that I love – DX. It goes beyond the periodical refactor. It’s about using design patterns that make code extensible without changes in API, for example (think composition, or dependency injection).

Of course, the app also had its share of bugs. However, thanks to timely fixes and maybe some aesthetic-usability effect, our clients cut us quite a bit of slack.

Design, business and engineering

I’m grateful for having worked with such a skilled, “get-things-done” backend team and a visionary founder. Being in the middle of this tension between practical and ideal wasn’t always easy, but it showed me some of the best in both worlds.

The Nxus and Radboud teams (me included) having a meeting in a shiny conference room inside Radboud's skyscraper.

A meeting at Radboud to discuss product features. Their fantastic team took active part in the creation of the product. Plus, at 5:30pm on the dot, we all went to grab a beer. Points for Dutch work culture!

I’m also thankful for how professionally well-rounded this project was. I worked at the crossroads of software engineering, design and business strategy. I also held relations with our first client, Radboud University.

Achievements & current state

Nxus serves two huge Dutch institutions: Radboud University and ROC van Amsterdam. Thousands of students and alumni are on the platform, as well as hundreds of employers. Despite these incredible milestones, we also struggled to scale. We never raised VC funding, and the product did not have the every-day kind of use it needed.

Working within tight business constraints was very hard. I experienced the stumbling blocks (co-)owning a company, and how much energy they can drain. I’m glad I moved on, but I’ll always be grateful for having started out with such a beautiful endeavour.